The Tuatha’an Song

Four and half years ago, while living in Dallas, I decided to make some big life changes. You could rightly call it both desperation and inspiration. I turned my world upside down and gave it a vigorous shake to see what would fall away and what would remain. I quit my job, gave away most of my possessions, said goodbye to family and friends and my lone star state, and hit the open road.

West. To California. To Yosemite. It might’ve felt a little cliché, but that’s where timely chance had taken me and that’s where I went. I started this blog right at that moment when I felt the internal shift of knowing I was leaving, even if it was some months before I made it real.

I cannot even begin to do justice to the impact that moving to the mountains has had on my life trajectory. I’m wiser, stronger, and braver. I’m more grateful, graceful, and open. I savor adventure, challenge, and those moments of doubt that spur you on into the fullest version of yourself. Yes, I’ll go ahead and say that I found myself – discovered the essence of myself – in Yosemite.

This life was exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it most. It fulfilled and fulfills. It led me to hope and passion and amazing happiness. And yet… Time keeps moving forward. Paradigms keep evolving. And I will keep wandering.

As I sit here so nourished by the marrow of this wilderness, I feel the need for a new writing space for a new adventure. My destination is yet to be exactly determined but that internal shift is there. The north wind. Zugunruhe. A siren’s call. The next leg of this octopus of existence now has a home that speaks to my overwhelming desire that I take with me everywhere I go – to live a life that makes the everyday amplified.

Find me now at:

About Lady Grey

Just another cog in this steampunk time machine, developing unique life perspectives one epiphany and reckless adventure at a time.
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